Tuesday 26 November 2013

Elon Musk: The Genius

What is leadership? 
Personally, I would define leadership where the unique individual would lead a group or even an organisation. When looked upon leaders and leadership you can come across millions of examples, every single example with its own unique leader with some sort of different leadership pattern or trend. When I relate leadership to this man I learned a lot. Elon Musk, he is a genius. 

Who is he?
Elon Musk a multimillionaire just by the age of 28. Born in South Africa. He was always different right from the start. Buying his first computer by the age of 10, he already started to teach himself how to program and whats more astonishing when he was only 12, he made his first software sale of game he created himself called Blaster for $500. His first step to build his present $9 billion dollar net worth. For a young boy, he was just brilliant. He moved on to Canada at the age of 17 by obtaining Canadian citizenship through his mother. He did so to avoid service in the South African Military and also it’d be easier to migrate to USA from Canada than South Africa. This showed how he always planned out his future right from the start. He knew he would make it to US as a successful man.

Now, He is an American business investor, inventor, entrepreneur, engineer, and magnate. He currently owns 3 companies, namely: Tesla Motors, SpaceX and PayPal.

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