Tuesday 26 November 2013

Leadership Style

      Elon Musk is currently an incredibly successful entrepreneur and inventor. He dropped out of Stanford University to create his first company, Zip2. With this, he then went on to create PayPal, which he then later sold to eBay. With the profits he got from this he then created Tesla Motors and Space X, Being the CEO of both companies. Now how does this show his amazing leadership? Well, both Tesla Motors and Space X are companies which create revolutionary products: Tesla Motors creates the Tesla Roadster which is an electric car, and SpaceX created the Dragon Capsule the first privately made spacecraft which was to ever docked with the ISS (International Space Station).
      The reason why I chose Elon Musk was because of his leadership way. He is futuristic and he is transformational. He creates the culture of brilliance and excellence in all his businesses. In this style, Elon’s employees do not have any low key level exchanges, instead people are drawn to his companies by of course his influential work, dedication and persistence. Musk creates great examples so his employees get motivated in an intrinsic way and work harder. He would typically work over 100 hours a week, which created an expression at SpaceX, “No matter how hard you work, someone else is working harder,” and of course that someone else is Musk. This makes the employees at Tesla Motors and SpaceX to be known for being productive and innovative. When looked more into his leadership style. He has achieved a lot to prove his leadership worthiness. Namely: 2011 Churchill for Legendary Leadership, the 2012 breakthrough leadership award by Popular Mechanics and he was places #66 on the 2012 Forbes most powerful people list.
There are many successful entrepreneurs, but few as dynamic as Elon Musk.  Musk works tirelessly to create revolutionary companies, such as SpaceX and Tesla Motors.  Due to his work ethic and dedication, Musk inspired a generation of young engineers to work at his companies and believe in a shared vision.  Musk is a master of the transformational style of leadership, and as a result, he has built revolutionary companies that create cutting edge products.

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