Tuesday 26 November 2013

Final Reflection

      Overall, I really like Elon Musk and I’m very inspired by him too. He continues to show how innovation has no limits and proves impossible possible. Of course no one can be perfect and Elon Musk too has things he could really improve on. Personally, He could improve by taking out time for himself. He is too engrossed into technology and has forgotten to live like a normal human. He works day and night, works for 100 hours a week, always on his iPhone looking at news, Elon is certainly living like a robot and of course it’s upto him how he wants to do it. But it’d be good if he took some rest too as, he is already 42 and it wouldn't be good for him to take so much stress and work so hard but as Elon says, his quotes show how he is and what kind of person he is.
Elon’s Quotes:
Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough.”
[My biggest mistake is probably] weighing too much on someone's talent and not someone's personality. I think it matters whether someone has a good heart.
“If something is important enough, even if the odds are against you, you should still do it.
“It is remarkable how many things you can explode. I’m lucky I have all my fingers.”

People have even said that Elon Musk is more interesting than Steve Jobs ...

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